

Updated OAS CAHPS Mail Survey Questionnaire and Telephone Scripts Now Available
folder_openSurvey Materialscalendar_todayPosted February 12, 2016

The OAS CAHPS Survey Coordination Team has made changes to the OAS CAHPS Survey mail questionnaire and telephone script. All CMS-approved OAS CAHPS Survey vendors are asked to make these changes in their OAS CAHPS Survey materials as soon as possible. The final mail survey questionnaire and telephone script in all approved languages are available here.

A revised XML File Layout that reflects the changes to the revised questionnaire will be available on the website within the next two weeks.

Changes to the OAS CAHPS Mail Survey Questionnaires

  • Intro page: In the sentence that reads, “This survey asks about your experience at the facility named in the cover letter,” the underlining shown above has been added. This change applies to the English, Simplified Chinese, and Traditional Chinese Mail questionnaires. This change is also reflected in the Alternate Instructions for Scannable Forms document in each survey language listed above, as well as the Spanish version.
  • Alternate Instructions for Scannable Forms document: Removed “2015” from the Simplified Chinese Alternate Instructions for Scannable Forms document.
  • Section III. Communications About Your Procedure: The section introduction text directly above Question 9 has been bolded. This change only applies to the Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese Mail Questionnaires.
  • Question 27: “to” in the answer categories has been replaced with the appropriate Chinese characters. This change only applies to the Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese Mail Questionnaires.
  • Question 29: “8o años” has been changed to “8 años” in answer category #1. This change only applies to the Spanish Mail questionnaire.
  • Question 30 and Question 31: “Latino/a” has been changed to “Latino” in the question wording and answer categories. This change only applies to the to the English Mail questionnaire.
  • Question 31: “Chicano/a” has been changed to “Chicano” in the answer categories. This change only applies to the to the English Mail questionnaire.

Changes to the OAS CAHPS Telephone Scripts

  • INTRO1: The telephone interviewer instruction (IF ASKED WHO IS CALLING…) has been moved up to directly above the answer categories. The programming instruction “Go to INTRO 2” has been replaced with “[GO TO INTRO2]” in answer category #1. The programming instruction “Go to TERMINATE screen” has been replaced with “[GO TO Q_REF SCREEN]” in answer category #3. The programming instruction “[GO TO Q_INELIGIBLE SCREEN] has been added after the arrow in answer category #4. This change applies to both the English and Spanish Telephone scripts.
  • INTRO2: Added closing parenthesis and changed initial square bracket to parenthesis for clarity. “[Hello, this is [INTERVIEWER NAME] calling on behalf of [FACILITY NAME]” has been changed to: “(Hello, this is [INTERVIEWER NAME] calling on behalf of [FACILITY NAME].)”. This change only applies to the English Telephone script.
  • Question 10: Removed “#” from programming instruction “[GO TO Q#13]”. This change only applies to the English Telephone script.
  • Question 29: “8o grado” has been changed to “8 años” in answer category #1. This change only applies to the Spanish Telephone script.
  • Question 30: “…Hispanic, or Latino/a,…” has been changed to “…Hispanic, Latino,…” in the question wording. This change only applies to the English Telephone script.
  • Question 31: “Chicano/a” has been changed to “Chicano” and “Latino/a” has been changed to “Latino” in the answer categories. This change only applies to the English Telephone script.
  • Question 31: “Cubano(a)” has been changed to “Cubano(a) o” in answer category #3. This change only applies to the Spanish Telephone script.
  • Question 35: The answer categories have been changed from lower case to uppercase. These response options should not be read aloud to the respondents. This change applies to both the English and Spanish Telephone scripts.

For consistency throughout both English and Spanish language survey materials, the following edits have been made regarding the use of ellipses, commas, periods, and question marks. Please note: unlike in English, where a comma is frequently used before the final item in a series, a comma is not used before the final item of a series in Spanish when it follows the conjunction (o, y, e, ni or u). As a result, you will notice that commas were not added to the Spanish scripts for these instances.

  • Q1, Q9, Q11-Q12: “¿Diría usted que…?” has been changed to “¿Diría usted que…”. The terminal question mark has been moved to the end of the last answer category. This applies to the Spanish telephone script only.
  • Q2-Q8, Q14-Q15, Q17, Q19, Q21, Q24, Q29: “¿Diría que…?” has been changed to “¿Diría que…”. The terminal question mark has been moved to the end of the last answer category. This applies to the Spanish telephone script only.
  • Q1-Q9, Q11-Q12, Q14-Q15, Q17, Q19, and Q21: A comma has been added to the end of answer categories “1 Yes, definitely,” and “2 Yes, somewhat, or”. Note that the word “or” has also been added to the end of answer category 2. A question mark has been added to the end of the third answer category “3 No?”. This change only applies to the English Telephone script.
  • Q1-Q9, Q11-Q12, Q14-Q15, Q17, Q19, and Q21: A comma has been added to the answer categories “1 Sí, definitivamente.” The word “o” has been added following answer category “2 Sí, algo o”. A question mark has been added to the end of the third answer category “3 No?”. This applies to the Spanish telephone script only.
  • Q24: A comma has been added following the answer categories “1 Definitely no,”, “2 Probably no,” and “3 Probably yes, or”. Note that the word “or” has also been added to the end of answer category 3. A question mark has been added to the end of the fourth answer category “4 Definitely yes?”. This applies to the English telephone script only.
  • Q24: A comma has been added following the answer categories “1 Definitivamente no,” and “2 Probablemente no,”. The word “o” has been added following answer category “Probablemente sí o”. A question mark has been added to the end of the forth answer category “4 Definitivamente sí?”.. This applies to the Spanish telephone script only.
  • Q25-Q26: A comma has been added following the answer categories “1 Excelente,”, “2 Muy buena,”, and “3 Buena,”. No change was made to answer category 4 or 5. This applies to the Spanish telephone script only.
  • Q29: A comma has been added following answer categories 1 through 4. A question mark has been added to the end of the sixth answer category. No change was made to the fifth answer category This applies to the Spanish telephone script only.
  • Q31: An ellipsis (…) replaced the question mark at the end of the question “Which group best describes you…” and a comma has been added following the answer categories “1 Mexican, Mexican American, Chicano,” and “2 Puerto Rican,”. A question mark was added to the end of the forth answer category “4 Another Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin?” This applies to the English telephone script only.
  • Q31: “¿Diría que usted es… ?” has been changed to “¿Diría que usted es…”. A comma has been added following the answer categories “1 Mexicano(a), mexicano(a) americano(a), chicano(a),” and “2 Puertorriqueño(a),”. The word “o” has been added following answer category “3 Cubano(a) o”. The word “De” was added at the beginning of category 4, the word “Otro” was changed to lower case, and a question mark was added to the end of the forth answer category “4 De otro origen hispano, latino o español?” This applies to the Spanish telephone script only.
  • Q32: A comma has been added to the end of answer categories “1 White,”, “2 Black or African American,” , and “3 American Indian or Alaska Native,”. A question mark has been added to the end of answer category “5 Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander?”. This applies to the English telephone script only.
  • Q32: “¿Es usted… ?” has been changed to “¿Es usted…”. A comma has been added to the end of answer categories “1 Blanco(a),”, “2 Negro(a) o africano(a) americano(a),” and “3 Indígeno(a) americano(a) o nativo(a) de Alaska”. The comma has been removed from answer category “4 Asiático(a) o” A question mark has been added to the end of the last answer category, “5 Nativo(a) de Hawai o de otra isla del Pacífico?”. This applies to the Spanish telephone script only.
  • Q32a: A comma has been added to the end of answer categories “1 Asian Indian,”, “2 Chinese,”, “3 Filipino,”, “4 Japanese,”, and “5 Korean,”. A question mark has been added to the end of answer category “7 Other Asian?”. This applies to the English telephone script only.
  • Q32a: “¿Es usted… ?” has been changed to “¿Es usted…”. A comma has been added to the end of answer categories “Indio(a) asiático(a),”, “Chino(a),”, “Filipino(a),”, “Japones(a),”, and “Coreano(a),”. The comma has been removed from answer category “6 Vietnamita o”. A question mark has been added to the end of answer category “De otro grupo asiático?” This applies to the Spanish telephone script only.
  • Q32b: A comma has been added to the end of answer categories “1 Native Hawaiian,”, and “2 Guamanian or Chamorro,”. A question mark has been added to the end of answer category “4 Other Pacific Islander?”. This applies to the English telephone script only.
  • Q32b: “¿Es usted… ?” has been changed to “¿Es usted…”. A comma has been added to the end of answer categories “1 Nativo(a) de Hawai,” and “2 Procedente de Guam o Chamorro,” The comma has been removed from answer category “3 Samoano(a) o”. A question mark has been added to the end of answer category “4 De otra isla del Pacífico?” This applies to the Spanish telephone script only.
  • Q33: A comma has been added to the end of answer categories “1 Very well,”, “2 Well,” and “3 Not well, or”. Note that the word “or” has also been added to the end of answer category 3. A question mark has been added to the end of answer category “4 Not at all?”. This applies to the English telephone script only.
  • Q33: “¿Diría que… ?” has been changed to “¿Diría que…”. A comma has been added to the end of answer categories “1 Muy bien,” and “2 Bien,”. The word “o” has been added following answer category “3 No bien o”. A question mark has been added to the end of answer category “4 Nada?” This applies to the Spanish telephone script only.
  • Q34: A period has been added to the end of both answer categories “1 Yes, I speak a language other than English.” and “2 No, I speak English at home.” This applies to the English telephone script only.
  • Q34: A period has been added to the end of answer category “1 Sí, hablo un idioma que no sea inglés.” This applies to the Spanish telephone script only.
  • Q_END, Q_INELIG, and Q_REF: Added a reference to “good afternoon” (“una buena tarde”) to all three closing scripts and changed the reference to night to be singular. The revised script should read: “Le deseo que tenga (un buen día/una buena tarde/una buena noche).” This applies to the Spanish telephone script only.

Please contact the OAS CAHPS Survey Coordination Team via e-mail at or call toll-free (866) 590-7468 if you have any questions.