

Summary of changes to the XML data file layouts
folder_openData Submissioncalendar_todayPosted January 20, 2022

This announcement details the changes made to the Standard XML Data File Layout and Disproportionate Stratified Random Sampling (DSRS) XML Data File Layout take effect with the January 2022 sample month. The OAS CAHPS Survey data for Quarter 1, 2022 are due on July 13, 2022. The updated Data Submission Tool on the OAS CAHPS website will be available starting in May 2022. An announcement will be posted when the submission tool and XML Schema Validation Tool (available on the "Data Submission Resources" webpage) are available.

If needed, you can review Appendices J (XML Data File Layout for Standard Header Record) and K (XML Data File Layout for DSRS Header Record) in the OAS CAHPS Survey Protocols and Guidelines Manual, Version 6.0 for more information.

Please contact the OAS CAHPS Survey Coordination Team via e-mail at or call toll-free (866) 590-7468, if you have any questions.

Section of XML

Original Variable

Change(s) Made

Header Record

Survey Mode

The survey mode, either mail only, phone only, mail with telephone follow-up, web with mail follow-up, or web with telephone follow-up, must be the same for all sample members in each sample month in the calendar quarter for all of the HOPD or ASC locations under the same CCN.

1 = Mail only
2 = Telephone only
3 = Mixed mode Mail with Telephone Follow-Up
4 = Web with Mail Follow-Up
5 = Web with Telephone Follow-Up

Patient Administrative Record

Survey Mode

This is the mode of data collection the patient used to complete the survey.

1 = Mail only
2 = Telephone only
3 = Web

Patient Administrative Record

Final Survey Status

110 = Completed Mail Survey
120 = Completed Phone Survey
130 = Completed Web Survey
210 = Ineligible: Deceased
220 = Ineligible: Does not Meet Eligibility criteria
230 = Ineligible: Language Barrier
240 = Ineligible: Mentally or Physically Incapacitated
310 = Breakoff
320 = Refusal
330 = Bad Address/ Undeliverable Mail
340 = Wrong/Disc/No Telephone Number
350 = No response after Maximum attempts

Patient Response Record

Q15 Pain Info

Yes , definitely ........... 1
Yes, somewhat.......... 2
No........................... 2 3
MISSING/DK.............. M

Patient Response Record

Q17 Nausea

Yes , definitely ........... 1
Yes, somewhat.......... 2
No........................... 2 3
MISSING/DK.......... M

Patient Response Record

Q19 Bleeding Instruction

Yes , definitely ........... 1
Yes, somewhat.......... 2
No........................... 2 3
MISSING/DK.......... M

Patient Response Record

Q21 Infection Info

Yes , definitely ........... 1
Yes, somewhat.......... 2
No........................... 2 3
MISSING/DK.......... M

Patient Response Record

Q27 Age


Patient Response Record

Q28 Gender


Patient Response Record

Q29 Education

Data element renumbered:
Q27 Education

Patient Response Record

Q30 Ethnicity

Data element renumbered:
Q28 Ethnicity

Patient Response Record

Q31 Group

Data element renumbered:
Q29 Group

Patient Response Record

Q32 Race [Category]-mail

Each "mail" data element for race question renumbered:
Q30 Race [Category]-mail

Patient Response Record

Q32 Race [Category]-phone

Each "phone" data element for this race question renumbered and removed "phone" label since these apply to telephone and web modes:
Q30 Race [Category] -phone
<race[category] -phone>

Patient Response Record

Q32a Race [Category]-phone


Each "phone" data element for this race question renumbered and removed "phone" label since these apply to telephone and web modes:
Q30a Race [Category] -phone
<race[category] -phone>

Patient Response Record

Q32b Race [Category]-phone

Each "phone" data element for this race question renumbered and removed "phone" label since these apply to telephone and web modes:
Q30b Race [Category] -phone
<race[category] -phone>

Patient Response Record

Q33 Speak English

Data element renumbered:
Q31 Speak English

Patient Response Record

Q34 Speak Other

Valid values:

Yes, speak language other than English.............. 1
No, speak English at home............................ 2

Data element renumbered:
Q32 Speak Other

Valid values changed:

Yes, speak language other than English 1
No, speak English at home Spanish 2
Chinese..................... 3
Russian..................... 4
Vietnamese............... 5
Portuguese................ 6
German..................... 7
Some other language.. 9


Patient Response Record

Q35 Speak Other Specify


Patient Response Record

Q36 Help-mail

Each "mail" data element for this proxy question renumbered and added "andweb" to the label since these apply to mail and web modes:
Q33 Help-mailandweb

Patient Response Record

Q37 Help [Category]-mail

Each "mail" data element for this proxy follow-up question renumbered and added "andweb" to the label since these apply to mail and web modes:
Q34 Help [Category]-mailandweb