

Updated Versions of Protocols and Guidelines Manual, Website User and Data Submission Manual, and Other Documents have been Posted
folder_openSurvey Materialscalendar_todayPosted November 3, 2023

Version 8.0 of the Protocols and Guidelines Manual, Version 7.0 of the Website User and Data Submission Manual and three standalone documents (XML Data File Layout-Standard, XML Data File Layout-DSRS and Model QAP) have been updated and posted on the OAS CAHPS website. The Protocols and Guidelines Manual and two XML Data File Layout standalone documents are available on the Survey Materials page. The Website User and Data Submission Manual is available on the Data Submission Resources page. The Model QAP is available to vendor users under the For Vendors menu once they have logged into the OAS CAHPS website.

The following is a summary of the main differences between Version 7.0 and Version 8.0 of the Protocols and Guidelines Manual.

  • Throughout Manual: Updated references to the OAS CAHPS Survey Website User and Data Submission Manual from Version 6.0 to Version 7.0. Clarified references to "voluntary" participation period as appropriate for HOPDs and ASC. Clarified instructions to access preview reports for OAS CAHPS Survey data once linked to reimbursement via a HARP account on the Center for Clinical Standards & Quality (CCXQ) website.
  • Chapter II: Added text regarding participation guidelines for CY2024 based on the Proposed Rule published in July 2023. Added clarifications to facility-level eligibility criteria. Added new descriptions of the facility Participation Exemption Request (PER) form and submission process. Clarified plans for publicly reported data on the PCD or Care Compare websites for data linked to reimbursement. Updated text to include descriptions of new Korean and Russian translations.
  • Chapter III. Clarified sampling frequency related to monthly versus continuous sampling protocols.
  • Chapter IV: Added clarifications to facility-level eligibility criteria. Revised descriptions of sampling frequency related to monthly versus continuous sampling protocols. Adjusted the timeline for initiating data collection from "no later than 3 weeks (21 days) after the close of the sample month to allow up to 26 days after the close of the sample month. Removed requirement for a Late Start Request for data collection initiated between the 22nd and 26th day after the sample month. Clarified that modifiers 73 and 74 can be used on G-codes.
  • Chapter V, VI, VII, VIII and IX: Updated text to include descriptions of new Korean and Russian translations.
  • Chapter VIII and IX: Updated text to clarify that vendors may mail the web invitation letter as soon as they get notification that an email address is not correct. This means vendors do not need to wait to mail the letter version of the reminder invitation if there is sufficient time to mail the first letter invitation for web mode. The unique identifier for the case is only required to be placed on the letter invitations for tracking. It is recommended to include it on the emails as well.
  • Chapter XI: Added text to document how to handle blank web surveys.
  • Chapter XIII: Added text encouraging monthly data submission to allow time for review and correct period before final quarterly data submission. Added new code "5" for Russian.
  • Chapter XVI: Updated Table 16.2 by removing older quarters and adding four future quarters of publicly reported data. Updated plans to pause the refresh of data in July 2024 to adjust OAS CAHPS Survey schedule of refresh to match other survey refreshes. Clarified location of publicly reported data on the PCD and/or Care Compare websites as the data linked to reimbursement becomes available for public reporting.
  • Chapter XVII: Updated example DNR to replace Late Start example.
  • APPENDIX B: CATI and Web text for question 13 updated to match the mail move text, which reads: "…Before you left the facility, did you get written discharge instructions?" CATI and Web previously had the text: "…Before you left the facility, did you receive written discharge instructions?" This change did not impact other languages.
  • Appendix C: Updated web survey in Spanish for Q30a and 30B to remove options for both masculine and feminine versions of the other races. (Q30a: Indio (a) asiático (a) , Chino (a) , Filipino (a) , Japones (a) , Coreano (a) Q30b: Nativo (a) de Hawái, Samoano (a)
  • APPENDIX E: new Korean CATI and web translations will be added.
  • APPENDIX F: new Russian translations for all modes will be added.
  • APPENDICES B through F: now contain the consent to share Question translation, previously located in APPENDIX F of the Protocols & Guidelines Manual Version 7.0. Removed all italics from web survey for transitional statements.
  • APPENDIX H: Added Korean and Russian translations of the OAS CAHPS Survey FAQs.
  • APPENDIX P: Added the CPT code exclusions: 19081, 19083, 19085, 32555, 36593 and 38505
  • APPENDIX R: Added new facility Participation Exemption Request (PER) worksheet and submission process is documented for review. The online form is a stand-alone document available on the website. (See below)
  • Changes to Stand-alone Documents on OAS CAHPS Website
  • Minimum Business Requirement - updated to document need for Exemption Request Form to allow home-based or virtual interviewers or mail survey staff to administer OAS CAHPS if approved by CMS.
  • Participation Exemption Request Form- the online submission form will be posted under Quick Links for Facilities and under the "For Facilities" tab as well. The worksheet is available in Appendix R.

If you have questions, you can contact the OAS CAHPS Survey Coordination Team via e-mail at or call 1-866-590-7468.